
Identifying opportunities for student placements in a private practice context

Before taking a student on placement in private practice, supervisors should identify the learning opportunities that exist for students.  These may  include:

  • Providing an extension of treatment for clients who have exhausted their health cover allowance.
  • Leading group therapy or education sessions – students could deliver these sessions, provide them more frequently or provide individual support to a client who is participating in the group therapy session.
  • Developing new client education materials.

It is important to have a sound understanding of the potential costs and benefits associated with student placements particularly in a private practice environment. 

Useful resources

Resources that consider the costs and benefits for placements include:

Working with students in private practice can provide benefits for you as a practitioner as well as for your organisation.  The following links provide profession-specific benefits associated with student placements in private practice:



Please Note: References remain valid until superseded by later research. The resources referenced here are regularly reviewed and are considered current and relevant to the topics presented.

  • Clinical Education Managers of Australia and New Zealand (CEMANZ) committee (2018) Physiotherapy student clinical placements: A guide for private practice providers.  Accessed September 2019 from
  • Kauffman, T, Maloney, P and Schoo, A. (2013) Working in Private Practice. In Stagnitti, K., Schoo, A., & Welch, D. (Eds). Clinical and fieldwork placement in the health professions. (2nd edition). Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
  • Occupational Therapy Education Collaborative Queensland (2016) Offering Private Practice Placements.  Accessed September 2019 from:
  • Ontario Council of University Programs in Rehabilitation Sciences (OCUPRS) Academic Coordinators of Clinical Education/Directors of Clinical Education (2013). Strategies for building clinical placements in private practice. Retrieved from:
  • Rorke, L (2005) “Clinical Education in Private Practice – creating win-win-win for students, universities and private practitioners” [Discussion paper] Queensland Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Collaborative, Australia.
  • University of British Colombia – Department of Physical Therapy (2019) Private Practice Toolkit:




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